Monday, March 03, 2008

Successes with Basic Books

Our students are having great successes with the Basics! Each book has a book course that goes with it to assist you in thoroughly understanding the concepts for us in your life. Here are some recent completions' success stories:

Romell completed the Dianetics® book course and says, "I now have a profound respect for auditors. They are a contribution to all of Man. Dianetics first aid is prevention and the cure to most ills. I am ready to work with an auditor to get to the State of Clear. I will share this with more people as I would like to be surrounded by people who are on the road to Clear."

Jose completed The Problem of Work book course and says, "I practice and use this in my life to fix all these problems. I learned ideas and how to work hard and be happy and to have more energy in my life."

Joellen completed Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought book course and says, "What I have taken from this course boils down to this: Communication wven within one's mind is the solvent for mankind...I will use it to better exist with myself by processing and with others to better co-exist."

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